Miscellaneous Software

I don't know what your expectations may be, but mine were that a good CS program could be found at Johns Hopkins. As it turned out, really worthwhile instructors were hard to find. Among the good ones was John Noble. He teaches three Unix Programming courses using Richard Stevens' classic, Unix Network Programming, Volume 1. His 400-level course was a little too basic, so I didn't take it. His two 700-level courses looked like fun, so I took those. These two courses were probably my favorites among the 11 courses I took there.

Source for 605.714 (password protected)

Source for 605.774 (password protected)

Another worthwhile instructor was Marty Hall. He taught a Web Development course using his book Core Web Programming. Software for his course is available below.

Source for 605.481 (password protected)

Some javascript I wrote can be found here:


Ride Your Bike!

As proof that I'm no graphic artist, I give you Whack-A-NART

As further proof, I offer this page. I met this dude, "Rad", at a motorcyclists' get-together in Reno in 2006. He entered, and handily (no pun) won, the First Annual FJR Owners Man-Boob contest. Afterward, having spent way too much time keeping up his fluids, someone snapped a picture of him in the casino at the Hilton where we were all staying. While I have animated his garb with Java, I have done nothing to the original picture to modify his outfit. He was wearing the tiara. He was wearing the boa. He was lifting his shirt. The label on the button is an homage to Rad's words in the casino when a strange woman approached him and attempted to take his tiara. Rad deftly, but perhaps a bit drunkly, quelled the situation thusly: "Back off, bitch. I earned this.". Oh me. Rad is a treat.

Rad's Work-it Tour

A sudoku solver: Sudoku

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